NFN New Music Review – APOLLO LTD : Hello Human. (Centricity Music)

This is alternative-pop duo Apollo LTD’s first album in over three years, and the follow-up to 2021’s Nothing is Ordinary, Everything is Beautiful. The songs on the album are about the human experience and discovering how God relates to us in every aspect of it. The ups and the downs. Joy and sorrow. Pain and beauty. ‘Breakthrough’ is the first track, and I was instantly comparing it to the sound of The Newsboys. Contemporary pop with a great tune and an ear worm of a chorus. The theme continues with ‘Dreaming,’ while ‘Soul Worth Saving’ is a slightly slower song.   The recent single, ‘Future’s Calling’ is a call to those who still need to hear the word of God. A mixture of guitars and keyboards, along with a thumping beat, make this a great listen. The overall sound of each track is really bright – none of this indescribable “mush” that often happens with questionable production. There’s a really anthemic feel to the chorus of ‘Say So (Halo Broken)’ and I soon found myself singing along. By this time (song 7) I was really enjoying the album. Although, I couldn’t shake that comparison with Newsboys, Apollo LTD were proving to be a quality outfit in their own right. All the songs just hit the right spot for me. ‘A Day in the Life’ is so infectious, that I was singing this for hours after hearing it. It’s the one that looks at the ups and downs of life, and how – with God’s help – we can get through each day. So simple, but brilliant. From there, we move to ‘Undeniably You’, a ballad, and beautifully sung. Closing with ‘Eden,’ I must admit that this release is an early contender for album of the year.  10/10.