Citizens Live Video Recording : Only Jesus Christ

Citizens strive to write songs that tell the true stories of their journey with Jesus, and it is exactly what new live album ‘The Joy Of Being Together’ shares with the world! Marked by honesty and artistry, the new album reflects the beautiful of the gift we call music, especially as it pertains to songs about and to God. After meeting in an old church building in Seattle 10 years ago, Citizens got back in that same place to film and record ‘The Joy of Being Together.’ A lot has happened since they first met there, but even bigger that anything has been the gift of lifelong friendship! Their new project is a celebration of being loved by God and being loved by one another.

Watch Citizens now, and their new song ‘Only Jesus Christ.’

New Integrity Music Releases

Friday 24th September 2021

California-based worship team Thrive Worship release a brand-new project, ‘Let’s Have Church’, a six-track EP including live songs and a radio version of its first single, “Pour Your Spirit Out.” Based in Bayside Church, a multisite ecclesial movement in the northern part of the state, Thrive Worship are the creative expression and extension of what God is doing in their community. ‘Let’s Have Church’ came from an overflow of songs being poured out within the team where a constant theme of the early church emerged and became the backbone of this new release. Corbin Philipps, one of the founding members of Thrive Worship, shares about the process of this new release: “As we entered into this project, we were pulling from [about] 60 songs, we felt like God was pouring out on us in an authentic, fresh and revelatory way. Acts 2 says that in the last days [God] would pour His spirit out […] we’re seeing God’s spirit in our lives and on our church right now in a way that I’ve personally never seen in the 20-odd years I’ve been coming to this church.” With the central place of Acts 2 and with songs that are focused on unwrapping the Gospel to everyone, Thrive Worship demonstrate their passion for equipping the church with truth and faith, offering songs of hope for the future and love for Jesus! Yet, they also strike an amazing balance by expressing their heart for missional worship in adopting their community’s approach of “a church for people who don’t like church”. Corbin adds, “we’re writing songs from the heartbeat of testimonies within our church, of our own testimonies, or what we’ve seen God do in our services.”

‘Let’s Have Church’ promises to be high in energy and celebration, restoring the fun and beauty as well as the personal and communal aspect of what Church is called to be. One of the highlights of the EP is ‘Pour Your Spirit Out,’ a song which shares Corbin’s personal testimony of healing from anxiety and panic attacks after 19 years of struggle. The song encapsulates the message of Thrive Worship’s project; unashamedly declaring the Gospel and reaching straight to the soul. Corbin concludes, “we as Thrive Worship and as songwriters, have a responsibility right now to equip the church with truth and the Gospel, and with the mechanisms to share and to grow that faith.” ‘Let’s Have Church’ is an approachable, honest and joy-filled project celebrating who the Church truly is!

US-based multicultural collective Village Lights present their newest single ‘Promised Land’, a stunning song inspired by a Zulu folk protest song. The songwriting process for ‘Promised Land’ took the band on a journey, leading them to the core message that it’s okay to acknowledge the struggle, but let’s always rejoice! Village Lights unveil a whole new universe of truth and joy, inviting the listener to join in worship with them. Yet again, ‘Promised Land’ is another example of the band’s heart to foster a community of worshippers centred around God’s inviting love, and the international flavour laced inside the new song places inclusivity and reconciliation in the central spot! Village Lights are trailblazing a new experience in the realm of devotion, justice and unity.

Citizens strive to write songs that tell the true stories of their journey with Jesus, and it is exactly what new live album ‘The Joy Of Being Together’ shares with the world! Marked by honesty and artistry, the new album reflects the beautiful of the gift we call music, especially as it pertains to songs about and to God. After meeting in an old church building in Seattle 10 years ago, Citizens got back in that same place to film and record ‘The Joy of Being Together.’ A lot has happened since they first met there, but even bigger that anything has been the gift of lifelong friendship! Their new project is a celebration of being loved by God and being loved by one another. ‘The Joy Of Being Together’ is about living-fully alive in the body of Christ; being known by one another and receiving the benefits and challenges of vulnerability in stride, as frontman Zach Bolen explains, “we are human beings first, all existing in the realms of God’s design, but what is desired for us is so much more than our breathing and our blinking. In Christ there is life beyond life where the wells of our souls never run dry and the eyes of our hearts never lose their sense of wonder.” In the midst of the physical barriers the pandemic brought as well as being at a point in history where people are burned out more than they would say they are thriving, ‘The Joy Of Being Together’ gathers us to simply ‘be’. With this new project, Citizens remind us that when we peel back all the distractions we find our truest and most important affirmation in the joy of being loved by God. We were created to be together and to reflect back to one another the beauty and mystery of God as his image bearers. We actually learn more about God through our stories and experiences than we ever could if left to just our own thoughts. Friendship is an invaluable joy. “We really believe the lyrics and melodies of these songs are just as important for this age as they are cross-generational. We’re really excited to be releasing our versions of these songs but we also hope that people are inspired by this project to listen deeper than the musical notes and to really discover how the lyrics in these songs are true for them too,” Zach concludes.

Selah have always had both an international story and a large international following, and now they are telling that story in a new and unique way with new single ‘One Name’. The original song from India is a beautiful offering of worship that is as catchy as it is energetic! Selah translated ‘One Name’ (Ek Naam) into English for the first time ever. This is just the beginning as the band will release a full project with original worship songs from six different countries (India, Holland, Brazil, Indonesia, Sweden and France!) Selah will share the stories of the original writers, and why the message of these songs is larger than any nation or language could contain. ‘One Name’ gives an amazing foretaste of the endless flavours and colours of the Church all around the world!

Blest release new project Testimoniowhich celebrates testimonies from around the world with Spanish worship songs that resonate with the group’s vocal performance. The Cuban-American band were in the process of selecting songs for their EP in the midst of the pandemic and realised that each one was very personal – real stories based on experiences that resonated with what the world was going through in 2020 – and the project’s name became an evidence: ‘Testimonio’ (meaning ‘testimony’.) Blest interpret songs that are grounded in the Word of God, blending a contemporary edge with unshakeable truth. Blest wanted ‘Testimonio’ to be clear in its content and solid in the teachings of Jesus; songs that speak of the gospel and yet connect with all. Although the album maintains Blest‘s essence, a different vibe marks the band’s vocal performance with less structured and more congregational arrangements. Testimonio highlights Betsy Jo’s voice, who is the youngest member of the group and takes an important place as the lead voice on three of the new songs