NFN Music Review – OLLY KIFF : I Know Who I Am.   (

Having “a passion for writing songs for the local church” with an emphasis upon writing “about his personal walk with God while staying rooted in scripture”, Olly Kiff has been creating songs since 2002. Originally from Manchester and now based in Buckinghamshire, in 2021 he released his ‘Whole World’ and ‘Lead me to the Rock’ EPs. His 2022 acoustic-based ‘Odds, Ends and Godsends’ was subsequently well reviewed by NFN and listening back to that eight-tracker, I can understand why. Here we have Olly’s latest offering – at ten tracks, his first ‘album’, that mostly returns to the ‘full band’ guitar-led sound of the 2021 releases. We kick off with the upbeat rocker ‘You’re the One’. This is followed by the mid-paced title track – a good song, but Olly uses a sort of ‘Elvis Costello-ish’ delivery that becomes apparent to varying degrees during the rest of the album. I have a lot of time for Declan Patrick MacManus OBE(!), but the punkish attitude of his alter ego just doesn’t seem to sit well with Olly’s lyrical content – and this aspect begins to spoil things for me as the album continues, including the well written rock-pop ballad next track ‘Better than before’. Featuring Amy Fokkens on vocals, the following acoustic guitar-backed ‘At His name’ is similarly strong melodically and lyrically and includes nice harmonies – although I kept hoping for some subtle drums/percussion that never arrived. ‘I believe’ is Olly’s take on the creed and is one of the best tracks. The under-produced but otherwise worthy ‘Better than life’ includes a hooky chorus, is from Psalm 63 and features Emily Brake on vocals. Olly then delivers ‘Magnify the Lord’ which is based on Psalm 8. This is followed by ‘Ever praise You’ – from Psalm 71, with simple backing that would have benefitted from more development but features a lovely melody with beautiful liquid vocals by Alison Kitt. I struggle to listen to Olly’s particularly affected delivery as the piano-led ‘For an audience of one’ begins – which is otherwise strong, with effective female backing harmonies. The drums and grunge guitar ‘Come and see’ proves to be a worthy closer. The makings of a good album then, with well written songs. In comparison with Olly’s best work however some tracks seem under-produced – and the main downside for me is his vocal style. I imagine an Alison Kitt album of Olly’s songs WOULD be something(!), but regretfully the best I can do is squeeze this one up to 7/10. Dave Deeks

NFN Review Zone – SHANE & SHANE : Worship in the Word (Live)   (The Worship Initiative)

Acclaimed singer/songwriters and leading corporate worship influencers SHANE & SHANE have released Worship In The Word, an all-new recording for children and families. In addition, the project is the impetus for a 10-episode streaming series of the same name. ‘Worship In The Word’ was produced by the duo’s Shane Barnard and features 10 newly-penned songs inspired by Scripture. The album gets off to a great start with the joyous ‘First Things First’ based on Matthew 6. The mid-tempo ‘Tell the Story’ (Psalm 8) does, indeed, tell the story of God giving His only son for us – what amazing love! The duo are joined on each song by the Kingdom Kids, and they add a certain something to the overall sound. Glorious songs like ‘Yes and Amen’ and ‘You Know Everything’ were instant favourites of mine. There again, many of the tracks brought me great joy.   9/10.


Matthew West has released his latest single, Me On Your Mind,” accompanied by an official music video, which can also be viewed below. The poignant song, and one of his most personal to date, was inspired by his time in the Word and summed up by Psalm 8. 

“Have you ever read a scripture and felt like God was speaking directly to you?” West questions. “I have, and that was the inspiration of ‘Me on Your Mind.’ I read the story of the thief on the cross finding forgiveness in his last breaths and the story of the prodigal son being welcomed back home into the arms of a waiting father, and my heart flooded with this feeling that those stories apply to me.” 

West, who co-wrote the song with Jeff Pardo and Anne Wilson, continues, “There are powerful words written in Psalm 8 that sum up the heartbeat of ‘Me on Your Mind.’ When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon, and the stars, which You have set in place, what is mankind that You are mindful of them, human beings that You care for them? It’s the amazement that the Creator of the universe, the King of the world, would give one single thought about me that touches my heart on a deep, deep level. God used the process of writing this song to bring me to a deeper understanding of the heart of my Heavenly Father, and I’m praying it will do the same for all who hear it.”

Brian Dishon, SVP of Marketing for Provident Entertainment/ Sony Music, adds, “We are so excited to have a new song from Matthew to share with the world – and such a personal song that gives us reason to worship God for thinking of us in all that He has done and will do. This is also just the first of many songs coming from Matthew in 2022. . .be watching for more!”