NFN Music Review – KRISTIAN STANFILL : Make It Out Alive . (Capitol CMG)

Looking a little into Kristians story, I find he went through difficult personal times in the past few years, and this recording comes as he was starting to recover and discovered a deeper meaning for his life. His website says “Somewhere along the way, I started writing songs. I wasn’t writing for a record. I wrote for survival. I wrote to heal. I needed to process the moment. At some point I started to think maybe these songs could help someone else find hope at a low point”. I got half way through the title track before pausing and finding out more about Kristian and the background for the recording, as I’d been been challenged within moments of the previous song ‘Show Me Who You Really Are.’ It didn’t feel as this was going to be yet another album by someone who just releases regularly to continue their career. The title of the CD reminded me of Pilgrims Progress and, if I can use After The Fire’s Pilgrim lyrics which paraphrases the book, “Through the “Valley of Humiliation” Was there I fought for my life with the one that I used to serve, Then the “Valley of the Shadow of Death” it hung over me. I never thought that I’d see the light of day again”. But, I digress! Back to the album. Musically, it’s very comfortable pop, I guess, with guitar and keyboard leading the way. There are good arrangements, and the songs have a very uplifting feel, as his message clings onto you mind and heads for your heart. The music builds gently and before you realise it starts to be anthemic. I like the simplicity of ‘We Need People.’ Maybe there’s too much reverb in places but as I look past that, again, his message is so true, we need people! It’s a beautiful song, and followed by another called ‘Grace.’ Here, we have nice musical pads over the acoustic sounds, plus well composed percussion enhance the message. I found it nice to hear Kristian’s version of Keith Green’s ‘My Eyes Are Dry.’ Simply done, with just guitar and vocals. It’s  rather special and fits in well with the overall CD. Overall I enjoyed this album. There’s nothing loud, no guitar solos, just gentle songs which flow from his heart and experiences of a life growing closer to his maker. The final track ‘Change You’ plots his life, family, relationships. Looking back to look forward.  10/10 Noel Donaldson.

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