NFN Music Review – LUCY GRIMBLE : Shedding Skin. (Integrity Music)

This is Lucy’s second single, taken from her forthcoming album. Inspired by a personal situation demanding forgiveness, “Shedding Skin” doesn’t shy away from the torment of bitterness and points to the beauty of choosing to bear God’s image in the face of pain. The song reflects on scriptural passages about pouring new wine into new wineskins (Mark 2:22, Matthew 9:17, Luke 5:36), as well as the story of the seed needing to die to multiply in John 12. There’s an atmospheric start to the song, as Lucy’s vocals are crisp and clean. The backing, then, includes light percussion and some delicious guitar playing. Mid-song, there’s a short ethereal break, before Lucy beings to sing again. As the song concludes, perhaps the lyrics say it all. “Here’s my heart; Here’s my life, come on in.” Simple words, for a simple prayer to God.   7/10.

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